Editor-in-Chief: dr Branka Dragosavac
(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet – Biblioteka, Beograd, Srbija)
Managing Editor: prof. Goran Trailović
(City Library of Pančevo - Department of Comunication and Inclusion, Pančevo, Serbia)
Editorial Board:
Željko Vučković, PhD University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education in Sombor - Department of Librarinaship, Sombor, Serbia z.vuckovic @ yahoo.com
Sonja Špiranec, PhD Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia sspiran@ffzg.hr
Dragana Sabovljev, PhD Public Library Žarko Zrenjanin - Scientific, Local Collection and Publishing Department, Zrenjanin, Serbia
dragana.sabovljev @ gmail.com
Branka Dragosavac, PhD University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law, Belgrade, Serbia
Nevena Tomić PhD, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KAUST – University Library, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
Gordana Ljubanović, Public Library of Budva, Local History Collection, Budva, Montenegro
Nataša Belić, MSc University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Arts - Library, Novi Sad, Serbia natasam@ff.uns.ac.rs
Expert Editor: Dragana Sabovljev
Language Editor: Dragana Sabovljev
Translation: Biljana Živanović
UDC: Dragana Mihailović
Design and Layout: Dunja Šašić
Conceptual Design of Cover and Logo: Dragan Pešić
Web-master: Branko Jevđić
For the Publisher:
Dejan Bosnić, Director of The City Library of Pančevo
In 2012 Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development have ranked Čitalište as a scientific journal of national importance (M52) and in 2021. as a scientific journal of the highest national imoportance (M51).
On February 2013, Čitalište signed a licensing agreement with EBSCO Publishing Inc. (USA) and was accepted for indexing in this prestigious world scientific database. In 2014, its application for journal indexing in Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) has been accepted by ProQuest (USA). Form January 2019, the journal has been indexing in European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), and from May 2019 in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).