ISSN 2217-5563

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Ћирилица Latinica English

Jelena Jovin
Biblioteka Matice srpske, Novi Sad

doi: 10.19090/cit.2018.33.44-54
No. 33 (November 2018), p. 44-54

Intrinsic Work Motivation of Librarians


There are obvious diff erences in working styles and levels of productivity among librarians. Some of the catalogists are faster in reaching the monthly norm, some of the reference librarians are more popular among users, some librarians are faster in gaining the higher titles, some are better in making professional contacts on conferences or within social networks, and some willingly work overtime. What makes the diff erence, drives them, gives strength, desire and will for work? Besides the unique personality traits, temperament, inteligence, this article reveals the phenomenon of motivation as the key determinant, which has been investigated by authors within diff erent theoretical frameworks in management and organizational psychology. The topic includes several aspects, beginning with the personal, through the aspect of others (colleagues, mentors, working environment) to the wider social, cultural and economic environment in which a library operates. The main intention is to highlight the complexity and the value of the intrinsic work motivation by indicating diff erent theoretical approaches of Daniel Pink, Ichak Adizes, Abraham Maslow and transactional-analysists, which could be guidance in personal practice. The theoretical background is followed by some examples from library practice and the author’s personal experience in conducting a workshop on motivation.


librarians, mission, work styles, motivation, goals, professional development

Submitted: 14th August 2018
Correction to the manuscript: 10th September 2018
Accepted for publication: 16th September 2018

Creative Commons License
Intrinsic Work Motivation of Librarians by Jelena Jovin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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